I am going to be starting today with our most expensive Tinted Moisturiser..
#Teint Singulier Voile Fondant Poudre, Sheer Powdercreme Veil from Yves Saint Laurent.
When I first heard about this product online I must admit that It sounded very complicated and confusing and the fact that the entire name is in French put me off a little bit as well (French never really was my strong point) however once I started reading other peoples reviews about the product I decided to try it out for myself. I headed straight to ebay to try and find a cheap version of the product the RRP is a hefty £40 and more (for the newer products of its brand) luckily I found the same exact product for a fraction of the price and it came completely new and untouched in its original box. The day came when I got to finally open and try it out and I loved it straight away. it was everything I believed a great tinted moisturiser should have, it was silky smooth and the coloured matched perfectly, giving me a lovely light yet glowing tint which is exactly what I was after. As a product it also worked really well with my normal foundation I usually use. I would suggest using another foundation on top of this product to give you a better even coverage especially for nights out.
Value for money: 5/10
Easy to use: 8/10
Long lasting: 9/10
Overall rating: 6/10